2024 Fee Structure

Registration Fee - P250

New Students have a registration fee when enrolling into the school.

All Day Care

P 1,500 / Month
  • 0 - 2 Years
  • 2 Meals / Day
  • Early Childhood
  • Indoor Activities
  • Outdoor Activities

Half Day

P 3,900 / Term
  • 2 - 5 Years
  • 2 Meals / Day
  • Preparatory Learning
  • Indoor Activities
  • Outdoor Activities

Busy Bees - Full Day

P 4,500 / Term
  • 2 - 5 Years
  • 2 Meals / Day
  • Preparatory Learning
  • Indoor Activities
  • Outdoor Activities

Our Expert Teachers

we provide parents with the assurance that they can leave their children in the safe and capable hands of our dedicated teachers, who prioritize their well-being and educational development.

Mpho Mpho


Mpho Mpho


Martin Scorsese

Music Teacher